Drainage Problems and Remediation
November 27th, 2016SFP Landscaping, Inc. and SSM St. Clare Hospital have a strong working relationship. We have been providing landscape services to them since 2010, including maintenance and improvements of the traditional landscaping and the native prairie.
A problem developed in the hospital’s Healing Garden, a beautifully landscaped area that is enjoyed by cancer patients viewing the garden out of the treatment room windows. It also is very visible to patients, guests and staff from many open walkways and from upper floor windows facing the garden. In extremely heavy rains, water was coming inside at a doorway, which can cause problems for the cancer treatment area. SFP met with St. Clare’s staff to help determine the reason for the problem and to develop a solution. After reviewing various options, SFP lowered the yard drains, graded the drain path to better accommodate the rain water, removed some plants along the building and removed the bark mulch that might have been clogging the drains. Beautiful oversized Iowa Lake gravel was installed and plants were relocated. A recent heavy storm was handled nicely with the new arrangement and no water got into the building. Plus, the new landscape features will be very attractive all year long.
This was an important project and we were honored to assist in fixing the problem. It is always great to have a happy customer.